Thursday 3 March 2016

Pump On The Go!

When I knew I needed to go on a week-long business trip to Paris, this business trip bothered me a lot.
The fact that my baby is only 8 months old and I am still nursing her, I was under stress (by myself) thinking how to continue my pumping routine while juggling travelling, meeting, conference etc. Alright. This initial part is not the most difficult part. The most challenging definitely is how do I bring back all my produce after my trip. I don't want to trash my 'hardwork'!
While I try to Google and read up various articles or insights from mums who have succeeded the above mentions missions. I think I only got a better ideas after reading many sources. Hence, I told myself that I need to share my entire preparation process if I made it. And here I am, proudly to share with you that, I brought back over 100 Oz of golden drops after my trip! See picture!
OK now! The most essential to ensure I can continue pumping is the pump!
1) Breast Pump
After my preloved Spectra M1 broke down, I was using a loaned pump from a friend. Prior to this trip, I decided to invest in two pumps.
One of it is a brand new #Spectra 9 Plus. It is a handy pump which can last 4.5 times of a 30-min pumping regimes and it is quiet. I have not regretted since I purchased it from Lazada. The deal was superb!

The perfect partner for Spectra 9 Plus is none other than my #Freemie storage system. Without Freemie, I would have missed many pumps. Freemie enables me to pump while working, in a cab, in a flight, even when dining.

Spectra 9 Plus + Freemie Storage System 
While I think Spectra 9 plus and Freemie are good enough, my kiasu-ness pushed me to get a pre-loved manual pump. This pump served as a contingency pump in case my battery operated ones fail me. And trust me, it is the best RM50 spent on a preloved Avent breast pump!

This pump is useful especially when my Spectra 9 Plus battery was drained! Most importantly, its suction is close to my baby suction and was able to help removing any clogged milk ducts that I had. It worked wonders, really!

Avent ISIS Manual Breast Pump (Pre-loved)

Alright. Pumps checked! Next on...
2) Storage
I prepared both storage bottles and storage bags. Storage bottles are always with me especially when I am in transit. I brought on board with me the smaller bottles that fit 4 Oz of milk. And I had 8 of them with me. Why is it important to have so many? Not all but some airlines would not allow you to have any liquid content of more than 90ml, expressed breast milk (EBM) included.

However, when it comes to proper storage, I used storage bags instead. I used to think I need all 12oz bags. But in the end, I took with me all different sizes i.e. 12 oz, 10 oz, 7oz. And it is so handy!
When I have more produce, I use the bigger bag. When I have less, I use the smaller bag. I don't need to wait until my bags are filled or thinking that it is a waste for not filling it up.

It is essential to freeze my EBM as soon as I can so my EBM are always freezing cold. That is why you will see the photos of my frozen EBM are in bags of different sizes and brands. Practicality comes first. I don't mind of the brand.
3) Cooling Agents
This was the biggest headache! How do I keep my EBM chilled when I am in transit? Most difficult of all is how do I transport it back and having it still intact?

I bought a Coleman Cooling Bag (handy & stylish!)
Coleman 15L Artic Rainbow Shopping Cooler
And I had cooler bags and Techni Ice with me.
How many to bring? Depending how many you think you need. The following are what I had with me with all my EBM.  It was good enough to keep some of my EBM remained frozen and some thawed but chilled.
Techni Ice
4) Wrapping Essentials
I have read some articles where some really hardworking mothers wrap every single Frozen EBM in a layer of plastic then a layer of newspaper. Frankly speaking, I did not do that. But I brought along the following items to help in string-wrap my Cooler Bag with Frozen EBM and Ice Packs. It worked well too!  

With all the essentials, I was set to pump on the go! I pumped literally everywhere i.e. in the flight (on my seat), in the boarding area, in the cab, in between meetings. I will always have my ponco with me wherever I am pumping.
Oh yeah! One more important arrangement is to be in touch with you hotel (accommodation) to alert them that you would need to use their freezer. I have their agreements before I leave KL so that my EBM can be freeze as soon as possible without any hassle.
The hotels that I stayed in (Hotel Baltimore Paris and Chateau d'Ecoublay) were very accommodative. They briefed their front desk staff of my need and allocated a space in their freezer for my "properties". To ensure that others are aware of the content (my EBM), I even printed labels in French to indicate it clearly with my contact details on it. Well, there was no missing EBM. Guess I have done it right!
So... after I filled a breastmilk bag, then I would quickly send it to the hotel to freeze it as frozen EBM is easier to manage than a chilled ones. It is more lasting too! Fret not about awkward moments of having male attendants attending to your EBM. Just think of your lil' one at home who needs these for the week(s) to come, then you will be okay!
On the check-out day, I would then retrieve all frozen EBM and start packing it nicely into my Coleman Cooler Bag. I first laid a layer of ice packs, then followed by my frozen EBM. If you find any empty pockets, fill it up with your towel or sweaters. (Some mothers are very hardworking where they would wrap each EBM with a layer of plastic then newspaper. But I did not bother and it was okay for me!)
Finally, I will leave the techni-ice on top of the coleman cooler bag. I then string-wrapped my cooler bag with a Fragile label.
There I am - was ready to head home with my "golden drops" wrapped nicely.
Before I left the hotel, I expressed my gratitude towards the hospitality that Hotel Baltimore has extended to me by writing them a simple note and gave them a box of chocolate. I too left a thank you message to their FB account to compliment them for their assistance.
I think they have helped me significantly and should be appreciated. As such, I hope that they will continue to assist other mums who may be traveling like I did in the near future.  
With this successful experience of mine, I am now ready for another business trip this month. This time is a 10-day trip! I will not quit breastfeeding (for now)! Nothing can come in my way!